Three Personal Trading Styles Defined
- "Fierce, Focused or Frugal"

The Aggressive “Got Your Webitos” Trader - Ferociously Fierce!
You think conservative trading is dull, lifeless and boring. You have plenty of time and money but still want more of both. You enjoy the action. You are an adrenaline junky. You are the kind of person that jumps out of perfectly good airplanes just to freefall for 45 seconds and pull the rip cord. You and your PC can surf a multi-trillion dollar tidal wave, the Billabong of all time, pick a pair that is totally Richter, catch an A-frame, drop in, maybe even get barreled. It’s part of the adventure to experience periodic hard hits at this level but to you it's the thrill that enhances the game. How hard a hit depends totally on you, your board and your skills. You catch a monster and ride it into the beach. Life is played on your terms. Oh yeah, you probably own the sand too.

Suggested start point for you is 25,000 “Demo Dollars”- minimum. It’s only money and you have plenty. Blow this and it’s zero impact. An aggressive trader “lives” in front of their PC with the ultimate rush - the confidence, power and ability to master the market. You use risk and money management so your gains are secured and your losses are expected and sustainable.

The Optimal “All Pistons Firing” Trader - Fascinatingly Focused
You appreciate the perspective of both aggressive and conservative traders. You have a zest for life and certainly want more out of it so you have long term goals that do not allow for you to be wasteful. You may go to Vegas for a good time, but that does not mean you spend all your cash playing roulette. You’ll take in a show and bring only what you can afford to lose. You do sink some into the Megabucks slot machine hoping for those millions. You’re doing pretty well, life is on course with several irons in the fire. Your life is about balance. You know that risk and success are relative and are willing to put something on the line for opportunities with promise and reason. There is a hunger for thrill but within some self-determined variable boundary of security. You can experience the pounding waves in confident strength but with a more controlled, less volatile environment with higher protection.

Suggested start point for you is 25,000 “Demo Dollars” - minimum. You have it. You don’t want to lose it. You’re willing to venture out of a comfort zone to experience better returns and can take a hit if necessary. As an optimal trader you have a busy life and can’t just “live” on your PC like the aggressive trader. Nor are you likely to pull out a calculator and spreadsheet to learn the nuances of the Fibonacci sequence of integers for detailed analysis like the conservative trader before you make your move. You get the basics, learn as you go, check and adjust as needed but not too often, grow your capital steadily and take it from there. You want the whole package, mitigated risk with higher return options.

The Conservative “Inquiring Minds” Trader - Fastidiously Frugal
You are analytical and make your investments based on detailed research. You consider the volatility of values in general and are a student of cause and effect. Values should be evaluated in a "prudent" and objective rather than an "optimistic" and subjective way. You maintain a pessimistic disposition as it has served you in life to better represent any potential liabilities and limit the possibility of eventual disappointments. Risk is for the insane. As such when it comes to investing and obtaining increased returns which you would enjoy, you prefer to err on the cautious and seek low-risk, relatively safe, slow and steady growth rather than the optimistic more unpredictable side.

Suggested start point for you is 10,000 “Demo Dollars”- maximum. To risk any more under any circumstance in a new venture is beyond your comprehension. A conservative trader in most cases has set the parameters so data supports your conclusions. You have already made allowances for gains and losses. This is a long-term play and watching the market will only serve to confirm your analysis. You are prepared to make any necessary adjustments as conditions change.

Enjoy the waters!